1 Oh My Glitter: Giveaway and Craft Room Tour!!

Etsy Shop

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Giveaway and Craft Room Tour!!

I am really excited to take you on a tour of my craft room! 

My craft room is my happy place!!

However, I am even more excited about the giveaway!

This is my peg board where I store a lot of my tools and all of my GLITTER!!

I love the bins below the peg board! They hold my glitter trays, vinyl, sewing stuff, etc!

This is the shelf to the left of my desk! At the bottom is the kids art work divided into an Ian and an Ella bin, above  that is my packaging supplies, 3rd shelf up is paint brushes, stamps, and ink pads, 2nd shelf is already finished projects, and the top shelf is other tools!

A close up of goodies to sell!

A close up of the brushes and stamps! Nicole from Yellowbess is AMAZING!!

Packaging central 

My Desk! 

The shelf to the right of my desk!! Holds my printer and lots of paper!

My Sewing table! I really need to spend a lot of time here! I wish I could sew better!!

The pictures on the wall are some of my favorites of my kids art work over the years! They are dollar store frames that I spray painted the colors of my craft room!
The white, fuzzy blanket is my photo booth:)

Then there is this bad BOY!! My heat press! 

Another view!

This is where all of my planning takes place! It is how I plan on getting sh*% done!! I am a  total #plannernerd!

Hope you enjoyed a peak into my happy place! 

Click the link below to enter the give away!! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So cute and I am so jealous. Love keeping up with your creations

  2. I love your craft room and wish I had a designated space :) mine is sadly the kitchen table whenever I want to make something but it always means I have to finish same day :)


I would love to hear from you, but only if it is sweet..of course!